Denmark Technical College

All posts tagged Denmark Technical College

DTC Sign 20150312_175507

Carl at Denmark Tech Entrance 20150312_180033


Denmark Technical College, boasting over 1,800 students as of Fall 2013, has an enrollment and employee population that would make up 2 out of every five citizens in the city of Denmark, South Carolina. Denmark Tech impressively utilizes 53 acres of land to accommodate its growing student body in 18 buildings including facilities for on-campus living, inter-collegiate athletics programs, technology centers, labs, shops, administration, and students services. Denmark Tech is a public, two-year comprehensive institution which, as the name suggests, specializes in preparing people for careers in technical fields. Half of Denmark Tech’s students are of the age of twenty-five and over, and 97 percent of the student body identifies as Black and/or African American. Located 50 miles from the state’s capital of Columbia, 50 miles from Augusta, Georgia, a few miles from fellow South Carolina HBCUs Claflin and South Carolina State, and literally across a fence from Historically Black Voorhees College, Denmark Technical College is well-located to host a growing student body and help interested students transfer to quality bachelor’s degree-granting institutions. As a result, Denmark Tech reported awarding 500 degrees and certificates in the 2012-2013 academic term. In short, Denmark Tech is a place “Where great things are happening.”

Rhoades Hall 20150312_175530DTC Blatt Hall

DTC Technology Center 20150312_175629Carroll_Lebby Library 20150312_175643

DTC Campus Directory 20150312_175941Engineering Tech Center 20150312_175822

DTC and Road Signs 20150312_173647